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6 min read

Why HubSpot CMS is a WordPress Killer

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And, why Orange Marketing recommends Hubspot 100% over any other website CMS.

HubSpot’s powerful, user-centric CMS is a WordPress killer. We know that these are strong fighting words. We are taking the gloves off and telling you why. 

1. Wordpress is Old Technology

We understand the loyalty of website designers and developers towards WordPress, as they have been working with and recommending it since its launch in 2003. It has become a sacred cow in the website industry, with its cozy little niche. However, it's important to note that WordPress is now 21 years old, and this fact should make us question its ability to keep up with modern demands. One such concern is the lack of a clear roadmap for WordPress's future development.

By contrast, HubSpot CMS is backed by a dedicated company, complete with a product team that consistently releases new features and follows a roadmap. It has established itself as a formidable player in the CMS industry, receiving rave reviews on G2 and other comparison sites.

2. a Better User Interface and Experience

WordPress and its non-intuitive user interface feels like a relic in today's fast-paced digital world. Marketers constantly find themselves at the mercy of developers, pleading for assistance with even the simplest tasks. It's a frustrating cycle we've experienced far too many times in our marketing careers. Quite frankly, we've reached our breaking point.

HubSpot CMS offers intuitive drag and drop tools that empower clients to take control of their websites. With easy edits and updates, marketers can quickly and easily make changes on their own, without relying on developers. The blog management tool in HubSpot surpasses WordPress in terms of functionality and user experience. When we migrate our clients' blogs from WordPress to HubSpot, they are thrilled with the results. It's interesting to note that WordPress initially started as a blog management tool, but HubSpot has taken it to a whole new level.

3. No More Plugins

Oh, the never-ending hassle of WordPress plugins. They constantly require updates, testing, and additional funds. It's like a never-ending game of Whack-a-Mole, where every time you fix one issue, another one pops up. It can be incredibly frustrating for marketers who just want their website to work smoothly without any hiccups.

And let's not forget about the joy of receiving an email from your CEO informing you that your WordPress site is broken. It's like a punch to the gut, leaving you scrambling to fix the issue before it affects your company's reputation. It's every marketer's worst nightmare, and unfortunately, it happens all too often with WordPress.

With HubSpot CMS Hub, you can finally say goodbye to the constant worry about plugins. This true SaaS solution takes care of all the technical aspects behind the scenes, giving your team the freedom to focus on what truly matters.

4. Fewer Security Risks

WordPress has some security issues that can put your website (and potentially, your data) at risk. One of the main vulnerabilities is outdated software. If you fail to update WordPress, themes, or plugins regularly, your site becomes susceptible to known vulnerabilities. This is why it's crucial to stay on top of updates and ensure that your website is running on the latest versions.

Another security concern with WordPress is weak passwords. Using simple or easily guessable passwords for your admin panel can make it an easy target for brute force attacks. It's important to enforce strong password policies and encourage users to use unique and complex passwords to protect their accounts.

WordPress is also prone to SQL injection attacks. Poorly coded themes or plugins can provide an entry point for attackers to manipulate your database and gain unauthorized access. Regular code audits and security checks can help mitigate this risk.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is another security issue that WordPress faces. Attackers can inject malicious scripts into your web pages, which can lead to the compromise of user data and the spread of malware. Implementing security measures such as input validation and output sanitization can help prevent XSS attacks.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack where attackers trick users into performing actions without their knowledge. This can lead to data loss or unauthorized actions on your website. Implementing CSRF tokens and user authentication can help mitigate this risk.

WordPress can also be vulnerable to file upload vulnerabilities. If file upload permissions are incorrectly configured, attackers can upload malicious files to your website, compromising its security. Regularly monitoring file permissions and restricting file uploads to trusted sources can help prevent this type of attack.

Insecure hosting environments can also expose your WordPress site to risks. Shared or insecure hosting can make your website vulnerable to attacks from other websites on the same server. It's crucial to choose a reputable hosting provider that prioritizes security and offers robust protection measures.

Phishing attacks are another concern with WordPress. Attackers can trick administrators into revealing login or personal information, which can be used to gain unauthorized access to your website. Educating users about phishing techniques and implementing multi-factor authentication can help prevent these attacks.

WordPress is also susceptible to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks overload your server with requests, making your website unavailable to legitimate users. Implementing DDoS protection measures, such as firewalls and traffic filtering, can help mitigate this risk.

Furthermore, WordPress lacks built-in two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a second form of verification, such as a code sent to their mobile device. Relying solely on passwords for security may not be sufficient, especially considering the prevalence of password breaches and brute force attacks.

Considering these security issues, it's understandable why many corporate IT groups are hesitant to allow marketers to implement websites on WordPress. The risks associated with WordPress can be costly and damaging to a company's reputation. That's why Orange Marketing recommends HubSpot CMS Hub as a more secure and reliable alternative. With HubSpot's dedicated product team and regular feature releases, you can trust that your website is backed by a company committed to its ongoing development and security.

Migrating from Wordpress to Hubspot CMS will make corporate I.T. happy. You can read all about it here, as discussing security bores the crap out of us, but we not overlook the importance of security when it comes to choosing a CMS. While it may not be the most exciting topic, it is crucial for the protection of your website and the sensitive data it contains.

HubSpot understands the significance of security and has implemented various features and protocols to ensure the safety of your website. From regular updates and patches to protect against known vulnerabilities, to strong password enforcement and user authentication, HubSpot CMS takes security seriously.

Another key advantage of HubSpot CMS is its ability to handle security concerns behind the scenes, so your team can focus on other aspects of your website without worrying about the technicalities. The platform's dedicated product team works tirelessly to address any security issues and releases regular updates to keep your website protected.

5. Built-In SEO Tools

Ah, the wonders of SEO. WordPress also relies on plugins to simplify SEO, with Yoast being a popular choice. While some SEO plugins come at a cost, others are available for free. However, the more plugins you add, the more you have to manage and potentially spend on software expenses.

HubSpot CMS includes on-page SEO tools built-in to the blog, landing pages, and website pages. The “Optimize” feature on any HubSpot page will give you immediate feedback on what is necessary to make your page SEO optimized. And this tab's functionality is being updated regularly, whenever Google whimsically changes its search rules.

6. Simplified Tech Stack

Relying on a WordPress website for your marketing strategy means dealing with a complex tech stack. From hosting to SSL, CDN to CRM, and everything in between, this stack of tools requires constant maintenance and updates. It's like being trapped in an IT prison, where marketers have to rely on technical experts to keep everything running smoothly. This can be incredibly frustrating and time-consuming. 

Meanwhile, HubSpot CMS is the Swiss Army knife of content management systems—if Swiss Army knives also served you espresso and filed your taxes. Look, if you're still fiddling with a patchwork of separate tools for your website, marketing, and analytics, it's time to join us in the 21st century. HubSpot CMS is like the cool kid in school that everyone wants to hang out with: it's smart, good-looking, and incredibly talented. You want drag-and-drop editing? Check. SEO tips that are actually useful? Double-check. Analytics that don't require a Ph.D. to understand? Oh, you bet.

And let's talk about the personalization features. HubSpot CMS knows your visitors better than they know themselves. It's like the Sherlock Holmes of CMSs, analyzing behaviors and serving content so tailored it's like a bespoke suit from Savile Row. Then there's the security, like we mentioned above—HubSpot CMS is SSL certified and monitored around the clock. Because no one invited hackers to this party.

We have stopped supporting WordPress

Well, mostly. HubSpot wrote their own “HubSpot vs. WordPress” web page. But honestly, they were very polite and P.C. regarding the things that make us so frustrated with WordPress. HubSpot has to play nice in the sandbox because many of its partners support WordPress. After all WordPress’ market share is 37% of all websites. What argument is used to get clients to build websites in WordPress? "455 million websites can't be wrong." Seriously. Was that also the justification to keep mainframes?

Orange Marketing does not need to be so polite. We have stopped supporting WordPress websites and recommend that our customers migrate their existing websites over to HubSpot CMS.

If you're not yet ready to migrate to HubSpot CMS, don't worry – we can still support your HubSpot Marketing, Sales, and Service Hub, we just won't be able to update your website on our own.

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