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4 min read

6 Inbound Lead Gen Tips to Boost Your Startup’s Growth

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As a startup, you’ve built something remarkable, but now you need to get it in front of the right people. Inbound lead generation is the key to attracting potential customers at scale. When done right, it’s a sustainable way to grow your business, and HubSpot is the tool that can make it happen. Let’s explore some actionable steps to help you leverage inbound marketing and HubSpot to generate quality leads and drive growth.

1. Know Your Audience Inside Out

Buyer Personas

Understanding your audience is foundational to any successful marketing strategy. Buyer personas help you target your messaging, content, and offers to your ideal customers' specific needs and pain points.

Actionable Step: Use HubSpot’s Persona tool to create detailed buyer personas that capture the nuances of your ideal customers. Consider their challenges, goals, and the type of content they engage with. By keeping these personas central to your strategy, you ensure that every campaign and piece of content speaks directly to the people you’re trying to reach.

Market Research

Effective marketing isn’t just about knowing who your customers are—it’s about understanding their world. Market research allows you to gain insights into industry trends, competitor strategies, and customer behaviors.

Actionable Step: Leverage HubSpot’s CRM to track customer interactions and gather valuable feedback. This information, combined with surveys conducted through HubSpot’s Forms and Surveys feature, will help you stay aligned with your audience’s needs and expectations, ensuring your content resonates and drives engagement.

2. Create Content That Captivates

Blog Posts

Regularly publishing high-quality blog content is essential for driving organic traffic and establishing your startup as an industry thought leader. But it’s not just about volume—it’s about relevance and value.

Actionable Step: Use HubSpot’s Blog tool to craft SEO-friendly blog posts that address your audience’s most pressing questions and challenges. Implement topic clusters and pillar content strategies with HubSpot’s Content Strategy tool to boost your search engine visibility and ensure your content fits into a cohesive narrative that guides readers through their buyer’s journey.

Ebooks & Whitepapers

Ebooks and whitepapers are powerful tools for generating leads. They offer deep dives into topics that matter to your audience. These resources provide value and position your company as an authority in your field.

Actionable Step: Create offers through Hubspot forms and landing page tools. Ensure these resources are informative and actionable, making them compelling to your target audience. Promote them through various channels, including Hubspot CTA tools, making it easy for visitors to exchange their contact information for valuable insights.


Webinars offer an opportunity to engage with your audience in a more interactive format. They’re a great way to showcase your expertise, build trust, and move potential customers further down the funnel.

Actionable Step: Integrate HubSpot with webinar platforms like Zoom to track attendance and engagement seamlessly. Use HubSpot’s Email Marketing tool to promote your webinars, send reminders, and follow up with participants. Post-event, nurture these leads with tailored content that aligns with the topics discussed, ensuring they stay engaged with your brand.

3. Optimize Your Website for Lead Conversion

Landing Pages

Creating a well-designed landing page is one of the most important steps in creating inbound leads. It is essential for converting visitors into leads. It should be clear, focused, and provide something of value in exchange for the visitor’s contact information.

Actionable Step: Use HubSpot’s Landing Pages tool to design and A/B test your landing pages. Test different headlines, images, and forms to see what resonates most with your audience. HubSpot’s analytics will guide your optimization efforts, helping you maximize conversion rates with data-driven insights.

Get the Ultimate Landing Page Checklist 👀

CTAs (Call-to-Actions)

CTAs are crucial in guiding your visitors to take the next step, whether downloading a resource, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting a demo.

Actionable Step: Create dynamic, personalized CTAs using HubSpot’s CTA tool. With HubSpot’s Smart Content feature, you can tailor CTAs based on the visitor’s persona or stage in the buyer’s journey, ensuring they’re relevant and compelling.


The form on your landing page is often the final step in converting a visitor into a lead. However, the length and complexity of your form can either encourage or discourage conversions.

Actionable Step: Implement progressive profiling with HubSpot’s Forms tool, allowing you to gradually collect more information with each interaction. This method reduces friction and improves the quality of your leads. HubSpot recently rolled out multi-step forms and conditional branching, creating a better user experience for the prospect. Additionally, use HubSpot’s Workflow tool to automatically segment leads based on their form responses, enabling more targeted and effective follow-up.

4. Amplify Your Reach with Paid Ads and Review Sites

Paid Ads

Paid advertising can complement your inbound efforts strategically, particularly when you need to reach a broader or more specific audience quickly.

Actionable Step: Manage your paid campaigns through HubSpot’s Ads tool, ensuring your ads are linked directly to the optimized landing pages you’ve created. Use HubSpot’s analytics to track performance, adjust targeting, and refine your messaging to maximize your return on investment.

Review Sites like G2

Positive reviews on platforms like G2 can significantly impact your credibility and influence potential customers’ decisions. These reviews build trust and drive targeted traffic to your site.

Actionable Step: Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences on G2 and other relevant review sites. Create landing pages in HubSpot highlighting these reviews and linking them back to your site through your G2 profile and paid ad campaigns. Incorporating positive testimonials into your landing pages and ads can further enhance trust and conversion rates.

5. Maintain Engagement with Email Marketing

Email Nurture Campaigns

Once you’ve captured a lead, nurturing that relationship is essential, guiding them through the buyer’s journey with timely and relevant content.

Actionable Step: Set up automated email nurture campaigns with HubSpot’s Email Marketing tool. Using HubSpot's Smart Rules, personalize your emails based on the lead’s behavior and preferences. This tailored approach keeps leads engaged and moving closer to making a purchase.

Newsletter Best Practices

Newsletters are a valuable way to keep your brand top-of-mind with your audience. They should offer insights, updates, and value that encourage ongoing engagement.

Actionable Step: Design your newsletters using HubSpot’s Drag-and-Drop Email Editor and automate your blog Newsletter with the RSS feature. Regularly review key metrics in HubSpot’s Reporting tools to identify what content resonates most with your audience. Use these insights to continuously refine your approach, ensuring your newsletters are both engaging and effective.

📧 New PDF Guide: Seven Essential HubSpot Email Design Tips


6. Measure, Adjust, and Improve

Key Metrics to Track

To ensure your inbound strategy is effective, tracking the right metrics and making data-driven decisions is crucial.

Actionable Step: Set up dashboards in HubSpot to monitor key metrics such as lead conversion rates, cost per lead, and customer lifetime value. HubSpot’s Attribution Reporting can help you identify which efforts are driving the most impact, allowing you to allocate resources where they’ll have the greatest effect.

Iterative Improvement

Inbound marketing is an ongoing process that requires continuous optimization. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your strategy based on performance data is key to long-term success.

Actionable Step: Use HubSpot’s A/B Testing tool to experiment with different elements of your campaigns. Regularly analyze your strategy using HubSpot’s comprehensive analytics, making adjustments to optimize performance and achieve better results over time.

Help With Inbound Lead Gen 

Inbound lead generation is a critical strategy for startups looking to grow sustainably. By leveraging HubSpot’s powerful tools and following the actionable steps outlined in this guide, you can attract, convert, and nurture leads more effectively. Ready to get started? We’re here to help you make the most of your inbound marketing efforts.