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Orange Marketing 2023 Recap: Our Top Strategies, Tips, & Tricks

Written by Brett Kramer | December 18, 2023

Reflecting on a bustling 2023, we're grateful for new clients, our team's unwavering commitment, and HubSpot's enhanced and increasingly robust features. In this year-end summary, we revisit our top content showcasing industry trends and best practices, celebrate some key achievements, and share highlights from our unique annual holiday party! 

Top 5 Blog Posts of 2023

We're deeply immersed in the HubSpot and B2B SaaS worlds for our clients and our passion extends to sharing our knowledge. Here are our most popular blog posts, showcasing some of our most effective and proven expert strategies:

1) #INBOUND2023 - Top Four Product Announcements

Our mighty leaders, Rebecca Gonzalez and Kelsey Galarza, attended #INBOUND2023 this year and represented our team. Some serious game-changers were released at the event, focusing on four categories: AI, Sales Hub, Service Hub, and Smart CRM. Check out the full blog post to get the scoop! 

2) Don't Ignore Press Releases In Your B2B Marketing Strategy

Press releases offer a valuable chance for businesses, regardless of size, to create buzz about their company. However, our clients often need help with the idea of investing in a third-party PR distribution service to share their company news. We encourage them to embrace the opportunity and take the necessary steps. This blog post explores a few key reasons why press releases benefit your business.

3) Five Useful HubSpot Certificates For B2B SaaS Startups

This blog post emphasizes the importance of five HubSpot certificates for B2B SaaS startups. Each certificate offers key lessons and practical exercises to help you navigate HubSpot effectively. The post also highlights a recent webinar on the latest feature releases on HubSpot and the integration of Canva for designing marketing campaigns. You can read the full blog post here!

4) 50 Powerful HubSpot Features

Our highly informative blog post, inspired by a webinar led by our co-founder Kelsey, delved into her top 50 HubSpot features, offering valuable insights. If you work in HubSpot, you know how hard it is to stay on top of feature releases, betas, release notes, and access rules. You can check out this blog post here, or you can click here to access the full recording on-demand!

5)  5 Reasons Startups Should Choose HubSpot Over Salesforce

Looking to enhance your marketing and sales performance? For startups, the choice of tools is critical. Salesforce, while popular, might not be the best fit due to opportunity costs. Why is that? We delve into this, offering insights and alternative solutions more suited to emerging businesses' unique needs and budgets. Check out our post for an enlightening perspective on optimizing your startup's strategy! 

Our Top Downloads of the Year

Shifting focus from our top blog posts, we now highlight our most popular downloads of the year. These resources have been instrumental to our clients and followers:

The Ultimate Guide to Optimized Images

Transforming your images into assets that help to capture more of the audience you work so hard to attract requires minimal effort, and we're here to assist you every step of the way. Inside this guide, discover a handy cheat sheet featuring the essential image sizes for web, social media, and advertising platforms.

How to Get the Most Value From Your HubSpot Investment - Ebook

So you've leaped and invested in HubSpot. Brilliant move! But if you're tempted to get things rolling all on your lonesome—pump the brakes. We’ve seen countless tech whizzes mistakenly believe they can DIY the HubSpot implementation process, only to spiral into a vortex of confusion and missteps. Here's the deal: HubSpot is NOT just another piece of software. And this is where our essential ebook, How to Get the Most Value From Your HubSpot Investment, comes in.

The Ultimate Trade Show Checklist

Ready to conquer your next trade show? This year, we released our Ultimate Trade Show Checklistmeticulously crafted by marketers who live and breathe the art of promoting startups. This indispensable resource is your ticket to unlocking unrivaled success, packed with insider knowledge, battle-tested techniques, and innovative strategies explicitly tailored for startups.

Orange Earns Prestigious HubSpot Accreditation

Earlier this year, we were honored to receive the exclusive HubSpot Onboarding Accreditation. This ultra-selective credential validates the skills and strategic experience required to onboard companies onto HubSpot.

The multi-phased accreditation process included completing a prerequisite of numerous HubSpot certifications, followed by writeups, references, case studies, video submissions, and a final test all designed to distinguish the top HubSpot onboarding partners.

Our Annual Holiday Party

Our year-end blog wouldn't be complete without snapshots from our holiday party. After we collected the team from around the country to our HQ in sunny Orange County, CA, the months-long crafted festivities began with a thrilling murder mystery hosted by Murder Mystery Scavenger Hunts, taking us from ice cream parlors to ferry rides across the bay, revealing a playful adventure. It was the start of an evening filled with bonding and fun!


Following the mystery game, we continued to The Cannery in Newport Beach, where stunning waterside views and a delightful meal awaited us. Amidst the fun, we received our unique "Dundies" awards. 

We are incredibly thankful to have had such a fantastic year with our team and clients, old and new. We couldn't be more excited to see what the new year has in store for us!

Thank You!

As we step into 2024, let's continue this exciting adventure together. Stay connected with us for the latest insights, webinars, and ebooks, as we're committed to keeping you ahead in the dynamic world of HubSpot and B2B SaaS marketing. Here's to a remarkable year ahead!