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Don't Ignore Press Releases in Your B2B Marketing Strategy

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Press releases present a valuable opportunity for businesses of all sizes, including small companies, to generate buzz about their firm. Yet frequently, our customers, especially B2B business owners and marketers, will argue with us about needing a third-party PR distribution service to publish their company's news. But trust us, you need to do this. 

Press releases and PR distribution services offer numerous benefits, such as establishing credibility, strengthening SEO, piquing investor and partner interest, and garnering public perception—all achievable with ease and affordability. Here are a few key reasons why press releases benefit your business.

Establish Credibility 

A well-crafted press release can position even the smallest company as an authority in its respective industry by demonstrating expertise on a specific topic. When a third party publishes a release, it validates your message or achievements. This coverage serves as an endorsement and indicates that your company is newsworthy and deserving of attention, enhancing trustworthiness and establishing you as a reputable source of information.

SEO Support

While the primary purpose is to share news and information, press releases also positively impact your SEO by contributing in the following ways: 

  • Backlinks: When issued through an online newswire distribution service, backlinks to your company's website are typically allowed, improving SEO ranking by signaling to search engines that your website is relevant.
  • Keyword Optimization: Effective press releases with relevant and industry-specific keywords are written and optimized. Including targeted keywords within the content increases the chance that a press release will appear in search engine results for related queries. This helps drive organic traffic to your website and improves overall SEO performance.
  • Social Sharing: Press releases are shareable on social media platforms, which generates engagement, attracts website visitors, and increases overall online presence, all of which positively impact SEO.
  • Website: Once your press release is live, it should also be published permanently on your website. A “Press and News” section is ideal for this. This assists SEO by driving organic traffic by enhancing your release's visibility.

Audience Targeting

For B2B marketers, audience targeting is crucial. Press releases can be tailored to reach specific demographics, industries, or geographical areas relevant to your company's goals. Utilizing a distribution service helps in identifying and targeting the right audience, ensuring your news reaches the most impactful recipients.

Attract Investors or Partners

Press releases are crucial for scaling businesses attracting investors, and building relationships with potential partners. They can announce funding rounds, strategic partnerships, the appointment of a key employee, or new business initiatives, signaling growth opportunities and attracting the attention of possible collaborators. Press releases also showcase progress and potential.

Manage Public Perception 

Proactive communication through a press release helps protect and improve your image by controlling the narrative. In times of crisis or controversy, a promptly-issued press release that addresses a situation provides transparent information and commitment to resolving issues giving you control over the narrative and helping to mitigate potential damage.

Generate Publicity

Finally, to state the obvious, press releases allow you to reach your audience through media coverage. You may doubt the value initially, but as you grow, press releases will be picked up by news sites in your industry. Whether you're announcing a product launch, partnership, expansion, award, or industry recognition, press releases allow you to highlight accomplishments and get more eyeballs on who your company is.

Content Quality

For B2B business owners and marketers, the quality of your press release content is paramount. Poorly written press releases can harm a company's reputation, while high-quality content demonstrates professionalism and credibility. Consider including tips on how to write compelling and error-free content or the benefits of hiring professional writers.

Long-Term Benefits

Consistently issuing press releases has long-term benefits. Over time, they build a strong media presence and establish your company as a thought leader in its industry. Regular press releases keep your company in the public eye and can significantly boost your brand's credibility and authority.

How to Create an Effective Press Release 

Crafting an effective release includes several key elements. Here are some best practices to consider when preparing your press release:

  • Strong Headline: Create a clear, attention-grabbing headline that accurately describes the press release news. A subheading should also be included to expand on the headline and summarize the release. Both should be compelling enough to encourage a scanner to read further.
  • Clear and Concise Body: Include relevant details to answer the "who, what, when, where, why, and how" questions. Keep paragraphs short, focus on one idea per paragraph, and use quotes when appropriate.
  • Quotes and Attribution: Quotes provide a human element and add credibility. They can be from relevant individuals such as executives or subject matter experts and attributed to the appropriate individuals with job titles or affiliations. 
  • Call to Action (CTA): Incorporate a CTA that aligns with the goals of the press release and guides readers on the next step. Examples may include visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, downloading a report, or registering for an event.
  • Tracking: To better monitor the success and reach of your release, URLs should be set up as UTM tracking links. All links should point back to your company's website to provide the reader with more information and drive traffic to your site. It is essential to not over-link or link to pages that will not contribute to your goal (for example, a quote linking to someone's personal LinkedIn page will do little for your efforts) 
  • Contact Information: Include the contact details of a designated media contact person at your company (name, title, email address, and phone number) to make it easy for people to reach out for additional information.
  • Proofread: Once your release is sent to a distribution channel, editing is challenging or sometimes impossible. Read carefully (and have another colleague doublecheck!) to ensure accuracy, grammar, and correct links before submitting!

Distributing Your Press Release

Once your press release is ready, one of the easiest and most effective distribution channels is a reputable newswire service such as PRWeb, PR Newswire, or Business Wire. These services distribute your release to various media outlets, journalists, newsrooms, and other online platforms. Key differences between the three services include:

  • The reach of their distribution networks
  • Targeting options
  • Pricing
  • Additional services offered
  • The specific industries they cater to


Of the three services listed above, PRWeb is the most popular and cost-effective choice recommended for small businesses. It offers a self-service platform where users can easily submit and distribute a release independently. It provides targeted options based on industry, geography, and media outlets and is affordable.

Creating a PRWeb Account and Submitting Your Release

Follow their steps to easily create a free account. Once set up, navigate to the Create Release section. Here, you will be given four different package options. In most cases, the Standard Package is adequate for small businesses.

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Next, you will be prompted to create the release by entering the relevant details, including your headline, summary sentence, body content, location, social accounts, and any additional assets, such as your logo or images. 

Once complete, review the details and schedule the distribution of your release. Take note of the publication date and timing, ensuring it aligns with your overall marketing strategy. It’s also best practice to schedule a blog post announcing your release simultaneously or soon after it goes live. Always copy/paste the release with a link to the “official” release at the end of the post. And as previously mentioned, don’t forget to link to your press release blog post on a dedicated press page of your website. 

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Incorporating press releases into your marketing strategy can deliver worthwhile results. Third-party validation allows companies to maximize visibility, establish authority, and enhance overall credibility and brand image, all with little cost and effort.  Start harnessing the potential of press releases today and watch your business grow to new heights!

More B2B Marketing Tips!

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