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5 Minute Video: Creating Content Quickly

Written by Orange Marketing | Jul 29, 2019

In our first Video, we talked about "Why Create Content." We hope you are bought into the "why" of creating content for your company. Now we talk about how to create content easily and quickly. Hint: it's not as hard as you think it is and you do not need a PhD in English. Our video and actual content example below. 



The next thing we want to talk about is how to create content. Our startup founders are busy and this is the last thing they want to do. And their team members frequently get perplexed as to how to create content. We have some  easy tips.


And you know there's no reason to be intimidated by this process because there's a lot of great shortcuts you can use. One of our favorite shortcuts is to do an interview. It doesn't have to be a fancy interview like this.


This is pretty fancy.


You can literally just write a list of questions for somebody in your organization who's a subject matter expert, and you can interview them and record like using a webinar recording system, like Zoom, which is a great one. And there are lots of great choices for getting them transcribed. You can also use a service like


We love that.


And there's a number of other choices. So then you already have something to edit right away.


Another thing we like to do is encourage our startup founders to write about their product, and write specifically about the problem that people who want to buy their product have and how their product solves the problem. That's because these people out on the Internet are Googling, "How do I fix this problem?" So we ask them to think about that and write specific pieces that explain how to solve problems. 


Another thing we really like is case studies.


Super important.


So if you liked the idea of the interviews, you can write some questions and we actually have a checklist on this about questions that you can ask a happy customer, and then you can transcribe that and make that into a case study which can be used both by your sales team and on your website.


Yeah, throughout your website. And case studies are really good validation points that will tell people researching your company that you are legit. Another very important source of content is awards. So as you're out there marketing your product, definitely look through all of the possible awards that you can apply for. Kelsey and I love to do this.


Even the ones that are kind of pay to play. That's okay.


We don't mind dumb awards. Because it's really nice. It's good sources of content. It's great on your website. Next: trade shows.


Trade shows are great fodder for content. So for social media, there's loads of pictures, loads of opportunities to just take snaps.


Tons of interaction.


But you can write articles beforehand saying that you're going to be there and maybe give people top things to do in Chicago or wherever it is you're going. One of our real favorites which gets a lot of traction is to write a post about what is seen and heard around the show. Top learnings!




People who weren't there will want to know what the hot topics were.


Yeah. Another good thing you can do is when you're researching your topic, you go out on Google and you find other good articles, and you write articles saying, "So-and-so said thus-and-such about this. Here's some of his key points," and you link to them. And people love this. It's called inbound links. Inbound SEO is very good for them and their website and they will be appreciative. They don't consider it stealing it at all, as long as you cite your source.


And bonus tip, like then when you go to push that piece of content out via social media, you can @mention that.


Tell the guy. @Mention the writer.


And they'll be excited and they'll share it too, because they're getting that mention.


And sometimes they repost it on their site and the circle of life just goes around and around and around, and it's really good.


So what do we do with all this content? So let's talk a little bit about the best way that we know to get rankings right now. So this idea of the Pillar Page, why don't you tell them a little bit about what a Pillar Page is.


Pillar Page is something Kelsey and I learned about a couple of years ago. Google caught on to all the Black Hat SEO techniques that are out there. And none of them really work anymore. But what does work is quality content about your product, about the problems it solves. And a Pillar Page is a piece of long form content on your website. And it goes on and on and on and on and on. It's just a whole bunch of writing. It could be, maybe you've been writing blog posts about your topic. It could be a combination of all the writing you've done and it's very long and it's using keywords that are appropriate in your industry, strategically placed, and it has certain things that are good for SEO and we needn't can go into the details. You can definitely Google it, but there's title tags, H1 Headers, all this kind of stuff that if you lay it out the right way, it signals to Google that you're an expert in this particular topic.


The key about that though is it's not just the one piece. So it's all of the other pieces of content that link to it. So we use the word Pillar Page because that's one way to call it, but if you looked on the Internet, you'd also see it called Topic Clusters. And the reason it's called Topic Clusters is because it is a cluster of content about a topic. And that indicates that your a subject matter expert, that your website is an authority and that will help you rank higher.


Okay. So that gives you some ideas of how to create content easily for your website, make the process not hurt. These are things we actually do to help our clients create content. In our next video, we're going to talk about the do's and don'ts of email.

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