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5 Minute Video: Why Content is So Important for Your Startup

Written by Orange Marketing | Jul 22, 2019

At Orange Marketing, we constantly harp on content, content, content. In this quick 5-minute video, we tell you yet again why. Please, please create some content already!


Hi. I'm Kelsey, and this is Rebecca. We're the co-founders of Orange Marketing. Today we'd like to start by talking to you a little bit about the basics of digital marketing for startups. Rebecca, first question. We get started with somebody. They're typically a technical founder. They have a great product. They think they're just ready to start selling, and we want to talk to them about building content. Sometimes they're not sure why they should start there. Why don't you talk a little bit about why we want to start with content?


What Kelsey said is absolutely true. In fact, I would say 99.95% of the time they don't want to do it. So what we talk to them about is Google, and that part of the reason you have a website is not only to get investors to invest in you, and for people to look at your product and buy it, you do it so Google will pay attention to you. What Google likes is content. What we mean by "content" is long-format content where you're writing about your product, and the problems your product solves, for the type of people that you want to sell to. Content can take many formats. We do content on a website with blog posts. We do downloadable white papers. We do videos. We do a lot of different forms of content. But it is very important that you write content a little bit every week.


Absolutely. Consistency is key, and as Rebecca said, the content can take a lot of different forms, and you should try to use as many of them as you can. We'll talk in our next video about some of the tips of how you can create that content efficiently so it doesn't have to feel onerous. But Rebecca, Google of course is important, and they say the best place to hide a dead body is on the second page of Google. How long does it take to get on the front page of Google, and what are some of the tips to make that happen?


We have read a lot of articles because of our incessant need to convince our smart founders that they need to write content. So we've read a lot of articles, and done our own research. It varies. If you're selling a product that's very niche, and not a lot of people have marketed against it, you can rank pretty fast. Kelsey's done it in as little as three months. I have accomplished it in six months with our agency's help of course. For other products in really competitive areas Google's going to take a while to notice how big of an expert you are. It could take over a year, so the day your startup is founded is the day we think you should start writing content.


Couldn't agree more. Aside from ranking for Google, there's a couple of other reasons why you want to create content. Second, is that you want to have something to put in your sales reps' hands. These guys always want to start by having a sales rep and a phone, and they send a lot of emails. We'll talk about that in another video. But when they're sending these emails, it's awfully handy to have a piece of research, a piece of interesting content that is helpful and informative that you can have your sales rep send to a potential customer so they can see you as an expert. Of course the third is, every startup founder website there's always a "Buy now", or a "Have a Demo", or a "Contact Us" button.


Talk to us immediately.


Right? While we're hoping that there's loads of those people out there ...


Click, click, click.


... just dying to have a demo with you, a lot of times there's people who are just looking around ...


They're shopping.


... and they're trying to learn more about the kinds of problems that you solve and the kind of solutions that are out there for them. Sometimes they need something that's a little bit less, "Let's get married right now." So this content can be used as a downloadable piece either using a form, which by the way is still very popular, don't worry. Or a chat bot, or any of the other methods that you might choose to collect their contact information so that you can send them more helpful, interesting, and informative content.


You're trying to provide them important, interesting things that'll help them research their problem and solve their problem. But at the same time, you're getting them to raise their hand and reveal that they were on your website so that your sales guys can reach out to them (and girls) and monitor them and see if there's anything else they can be helpful with. Because nowadays marketing is about being helpful.


In our next video, we'll talk a little bit about how to create that content, and how you can do it yourself, or how you can take things that you're already doing and turn them into helpful, informative content.

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