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Top HubSpot Updates - Monday Recap - Jul. 22, 2024

Written by Orange Marketing | July 24, 2024

We're excited to bring you another recap of last week's latest HubSpot updates. Here are the top highlights you don't want to miss:

  • Company Health Score Builder, 
  • Updated Property Creating & Editing, 
  • Introducing the Sales Workspace, 
  • “New to you” tab in Product Updates.

Company Health Score Builder

Company health score is a new tool that gives customers the ability to weigh properties and activities taken by contacts and roll them up to a score on the company record. This score will be recorded on the company record.


How Does It Work?

Knowledge Base Article Password: Customer_Success_166905

In the customer success workspace, admins can click the settings button and then click the Health Score tab. From here, they can set threshold values between 0 - 100 for at-risk, neutral, and healthy customers. They will also decide which companies will be eligible for this score using lists and/or company properties. As well, as deciding how contact activities and properties roll up to the company score (min, max, sum, average)

Then, they can set their score rules. Customers can include any event or property from a contact associated with the company, as well as any event or property from the company record. Customers must choose the weight of each individual rule. Customers can preview the score after they built it before going live with it. Once live, all companies that are eligible for the score will receive a score based on existing information.

The health score will be displayed as two properties on the company record, a raw number and a health status (at-risk, neutral, healthy). These properties can be pinned on the company record, added to the index page and will be available by default within the customer success workspace.

Updated Property Creating & Editing

We’re updating the experience of creating and editing properties in HubSpot. This change will provide admins a quicker, easier, and cleaner way to manage properties in HubSpot’s Smart CRM.

This change does not impact any existing features in the property creation or editing process - it is purely focused on improving the look and feel of this experience.


How Does It Work?

Objects > Settings > Properties > Create Property

Objects > Settings > Properties > Edit Property

Check out this demo!

While in beta, this change will be expanded from Property Settings to any tool in HubSpot where a property can be created or edited (for example, properties can be created in the Import tool and this change will be reflected in that tool).

Introducing the Sales Workspace

The Prospecting Workspace has been reimagined as the Sales Workspace. As the previous name implied, the Prospecting Workspace only included prospecting-related capabilities. With the new Sales Workspace, salespeople can now build pipeline and close deals from one place. This enables BDRs, Account Executives, and full-cycle reps to orchestrate their full funnel of sales activities.

How Does It Work?

The updated Sales Workspace includes a handful of new capabilities:

Guided Actions track buyer engagement, monitor lead and deal data across HubSpot, and give reps a prioritized list of actions to optimize for building pipeline or closing deals.


Deals give reps a simple way to manage their active opportunities, prep for meetings, and conduct follow-ups in a focused view.


Selling Queues gives salespeople an updated execution experience, making it fast and easy for reps to get context on their leads or deals, take action, and progress relationships forward.


Over the coming months, we'll introduce a handful of new capabilities to the Sales Workspace to further enhance a rep's efficiency and effectiveness.

"New to you" tab in Product Updates

Admins can easily view what's changed since they last visited the Product Updates page in the "New to you" tab.

As HubSpot continues to ship updates, it's becoming more difficult for admins to understand what's changed since they last viewed the Product Updates page. The "New to you" tab will highlight updates for admins to review, making it easier for them to catch up on HubSpot's new releases.

How Does It Work?

Head to the Product Updates page and review updates under "New to you". All updates that appear in "New to you" will have a "New" badge under other tabs.

"New to you" tab:

All other tabs:

That's All For This Week

Thank you for tuning in to our Weekly HubSpot Updates! We post a new recap each week to keep you informed about the latest features, ensuring you get the most out of HubSpot.

Want to explore all the updates yourself? Simply log in to your HubSpot account, click on your profile in the top right corner to open the drop-down menu, and select "Product Updates." There, you'll find all the live updates as well as those coming soon!

If you need additional assistance to maximize your use of HubSpot, don't hesitate to reach out! As a HubSpot Diamond Partner, our team of marketing experts is ready to help get your company on track. You can contact us here or click the image below 👇